A Little Something For You

So, for those of you reading this, I'm adding a little present to the site's store. Upon checkout, you'll see a box labeled "PromoCode." If you enter "$2Madness" you'll receive $2 off your entire purchase. It's just a little something to celebrate the website becoming operational.

I'm still editing my next book, which is entitled "Moribund." I'll be going into details about that in a later post, as I'm still trying to get it published. If I can't find any takers for it, I'll be self-publishing it instead. If you're curious about it in the meantime, you can see an excerpt of it at the very back of "A Glimpse into Madness." It's really turning into an excellent novel, and I'm having a blast writing and editing it.

Until next time.

~Sean Walter


In my rush to open the site, I forgot to enable the store functions. I'm pleased to say that the store is now officially open! Currently there are two book options: one is just the basic paperback book, and the other is a signed edition that comes with a bookmark.

In the future I plan on adding several items to that page, including fun odds and ends, magnets, stickers, and perhaps posters if there is a want for them. I can also do a by-order high-quality print of the cover image to the book, signed by both myself and the artist. Do let me know if you think of any other products that you would like to see there.

For the moment, you can access the store on the menu bar above, or from the link below.

Until next time

~Sean Walter

A short welcome

The site is not fully finished, but I am pleased to welcome you to it anyway. This will be my base of operations for the time being while I work on setting up the store and figuring out the odds and ends of the site itself. Expect it to look different over time as I find ways to improve.

That being said, what would you like this site to have?  I can do almost anything, within reason, and would love to hear what you as the audience would like to see, or what you feel is missing.

I look forward to hearing from you all. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I enjoy conversations.


~Sean Walter